Hi baby,
Well, that's a great question. Really, it is. It's nice to see you are already taking an interest in such a complicated subject as meta-spiritual deities at only three years old. Remind me to talk to your Grandpa about age-appropriate discussions. But let's talks about this after we brush your teeth and after you go put some pajamas on. I know you don't want to, but we have to keep our pajamas on. Then if we have enough time we can watch some Sports Desk before bedtime.
What? Oh, right. What's God. You sure you just don't want to watch Sports Desk? You are only three so I don't know if this is really the time to get into this. You sure? Well...ok, I'll try.
The Pope Loved a Good Backhand |
God is like bedtime. Everybody has one, right? But not everybody has the same bedtime, just like not everybody has the same god. It's just not everybody has the same bedtime. Oh. I said that already? It's a complicated subject. Well, God is like bedtime. We all need bedtimes, but we don't all have the same bedtime. It's good to have bedtimes because we know where we should be at certain times, which is sort of like the same thing with God. God helps you know where we should be on certain issues, like death and instant replays. Bedtime isn't something you can put in your pocket or draw or anything which is just like God, because nobody has really seen God because God is more of a concept, like delayed offsides, icing or a winning Toronto Maple Leaf team. Yeah, it's a concept. A concept means that it's insubstantial but helps explain things that you can't physically see, like math and Pierre MacGuire.
you had to go there, didn't you, God? |
Okay, well you can't see God just like you can't see bedtime but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But bedtime, well, that's real, like a good punch in the face. God, well, let's say needs to punch someone in the face. In fact, even when you pray to God to punch someone in the face, just once, it doesn't happen. Instead, you are the one getting punched. And not in the face, in the friggin' ball sack.
Where was I? Oh yeah, everybody has a bedtime, just like you. Even hockey players.
God 1- Atheists 0 |
Is there a God? Well, some people believe there is, which is why their team wins the Stanley Cup and Vancouver Canuck fans riot. No, no honey, I haven't believed in God since 1982. Stan Smyl deserved a Stanley Cup. But sometimes, sometimes i want to believe. Like when Bure
delivered that elbow in 94. For a moment, i believed there was a God and He was a Canuck fan. What's a Canuck fan? Oh, they are like your early bedtimes. You hear about them all the time, but in reality, you don't see them very much. Only when things are going good and Daddy thinks he might score.
No, Daddy hasn't scored in awhile. Yes, it might have something to do with my bedtime. You see, Sportsdesk comes on pretty late sometimes and that's after Mommy's bedtime. Does Mommy believe in God? You know what, that is something you can ask her tomorrow. Time for bed, sweetie. Love you.