Thursday 13 December 2012

Congratulations NHL - i'm so over you.

Dear Mr. Bettman and his dark overlords.

Ogie here.  Just checking in, thought i would let you know that despite my best efforts at trying to remain a fan of the new look NHL, I've thrown in the towel.  The window has closed.  Sure you could start up sometime in a month or so and pretend to have some type of season but most of us won't care.  I've moved on.

Like many other hockey fans/scribes, we've been dying for something to write about and the drama has weakened to the point that i feel that to have a hockey-related blog is just..redundant.  So, while i think of perhaps taking on a subject matter that won't lock me out every 5 years, i'm just going to have to leave these stray storylines hanging....

The Riot Mashup;

At #10 the Montreal beats Boston riot of 2008.
At #9 the Edmonton beats up a phone booth riot of 2006
At#8 the Montreal beats Pittsburgh riot of 2010.
At #7 the Boston beats Vancouver riot of 2011

Some may argue that this should be further up the list, but wait and hear me out on these final ones;

At #6 The New York beats Vancouver riot of 1994 - this places ahead of 2011 for two reasons; First there was no social media connection at the time.  You were either there or you heard about it the next day. Second, the game wasn't played in Vancouver; it happened 3000 miles away and still, the squeaky clean image was tarnished that night.   

At #5 The Montreal beats Los Angeles Riot of 1993 - as nearly every fucking Canadian hockey fan will tell you come playoff time, this is the last year a Canadian-based team won the cup.  And Montreal did it by not only winning 10 games in overtime 11 straight playoff games but also by defeating the glam and glitz of the NKOTB; the Los Angeles Kings, led by Wayne Gretzky.  And Marty McSorley's illegal stick in Game 2 turned out be only the second biggest stick fuck-up of his career.  This was;

And when Montreal won, the city went fucking wild.  $2.5 million in damage, despite 1000 riot officers dispatched in what officials hoped would be enough menace to control the looting and vandalism.  They made 115 arrests. The police reported 47 police cars damaged, 8 cars were completely destroyed.

AT #4 The Montreal beats Calgary riot of 1986 - Montreal loves it's riots, nearly as much as it's hockey championships, so when the habs beat the Flames to win their first cup in nearly 7 years, fans celebrated like fucking champions, if those champions were 14 year old juvenile delinquents.  The end result was the THE POLICE were found to be criminally negligent, in you know, not being prepared to stop 5000 celebrating Frenchmen.  But that's nothing compared to the next day.

At #3 Montreal riots during the Victory Parade 1986 - how messed up is your city when you riot during the fucking parade?  Again, all before social media so this isn't like a bunch of people planned to go out and fuck shit up, it just happened because everybody was so bloody happy, Quebec-style.  

At #2 Montreal again. Surprise.  This is the grand daddy of them all; the Rocket Richard riot of 1955.  The most dominant player in the game, suspended for the playoffs all because he broke 3 sticks attacking a Boston player then punched a linesman that thought perhaps the Rocket should calm the fuck down.  Then to pour salt on the wound, the man who suspended Richard, Clarence Campbell, decided to come and sit amongst the Hab faithful in a playoff match.  Imagine Gary Bettman brazenly sitting down in on an NHLPA meeting right now, sticking his middle fingers up and having a gorgeous young blonde in each arm, which is what Campbell pretty much did.  The fans turned on him, despite his hot girfriend and made hockey history.

There that's nearly the end of the list.  

#1...well, just watch the video and tell me if that wasn't the greatest riot in Canadian sports and political history; The Piescany Punch-up;


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