Wednesday 25 May 2016

Cuz I'm Man Enough: YOGA Camp Day 4

Two things, as once again I barely found the time and fortitude to continue with this experiment - I nearly had an epiphany as I was taking out the garbage just before going back in to start YOGAing - it had something to do with the idea that for 20-30 minutes as I YOGA there is nothing else I am doing which, considering my life the last little while has been so hectic, is kind of a nice thing.

Then I thought if only there was some Men's Only Gym I could go and do a YOGA class with just other guys where I don't have to consider doing the 'hold the baby' pose or feel my nuts cram into my belly button. I bet anything that class would be awesome - but probably because none of us would be doing actual YOGA but more likely playing blackjack and talking about truck tires and lying about how many women we slept with or something.

Then the other, more depressing thing is my Inner Critic came out and started thinking about making some type of odds about if I would get to 30 days. I started doing MATH which is not my strength and all I know is that I am not yet 1/4 of the way done. I'm not even 1/2 way to 1/2 way done which if I remember right is also another way to say 1/4. I'm not 1/3 done. I'm not 1/5th done and after that, well, it's too depressing to think about. So I'm not going to.

I did my YOGA today. I didn't question when the instructor said 'breathe into your lower back' as I figure I would just keep breathing my normal way until I get this epiphany thing down pay. Right now, all I am feeling is upper back pain, between the shoulder blades but my wife says that is normal because my body is readjusting itself.


Anyways, to Day 5.

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