Thursday 19 July 2012

Roberto Luongo; poet of the poker table

The eight Canuck fans throughout Vancouver that still care about Roberto Luongo's fortunes were groaning at hearing that he had bowed out of the high-pressure Las Vegas poker tournament after 4 days of intense competition, which ironically was also the same amount of time it took for him to bow out of the 2012 playoffs.  I went and did some research on his time playing with the 'Big Boys' because $10 000 of BC's taxes were allocated to his wor-cation and i wanted to find out how much the BC Lottery company was able to get their name out there with their 'celebrity spokesperson'.

Here it is; the girl obviously has no idea who roberto luongo is and a very shaky understanding of hockey in general, like she isn't sure if there was a position called a .... goalie?  Then there's an awkward bit about a butterfly stance which could have been well-played by any self-respecting Italian playa' but it's Luongo were talking about here.  He talks with the exact same level of emotion that we come to expect of him so it's good to see he is still retaining his form when being interviewed about playing in a high pressure environment and then being booted out two hours later.

Thankfully through the infamy of the internet and certain unreliable sources, ogie here has found the biggest concern other teams have expressed to Mike Gillis about their willingness to trade for Luongo. Surprisingly it's not his contract, his inability to score on the other team's goalie, or that he has yet to return Todd Bertuzzi's whiskers. 
It's this;

He totally doesn't understand iambic pentameter. 


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