From the Retro Files; Feb 15, 2015, back when FB had a blog-like option.
Random too long TV rant for a status update.
Reasons why I hate TV #26
On those rare occassions I have access to cable (like right now at work), it's even more rare that I find something worth watching. But when I do, it's like tonight's Catch-22. On one channel is and episode of Parks and Recreation called Time Capsule and it's about a man named Kelly who wants to add Twilight to the town's yet-to-be buried Time Capsule. On another channel is an episode of South Park called Lice Capades; a story of a village of lice that are wiped out due to lice shampoo. That story also features a lice named Kelly.
It's so hard to decide I keep having to flip between the two, thereby only catching 1/2 of each story. They are both great stories and great examples of a genre i just was informed of "Absurdist Fiction". So help make that a thing.
Plus, in an odd coincidence they both mention Angelina Jolie. I couldn't take the remote possibility of having to decide between two excellent shows happening again so I had to shut it down for the rest of the night. Also, Global was showing the Premiere episode of Saturday Night Live back in 1975 but was calling it a repeat but as usual, there were too many commercials so I saw none of it.
On my other semi-secret project. I am hitting .333. I was surprised at how much i am enjoying it.
oh well, off to work and write and kill zombies (not in that order).
Kelly trying to save her baby
Kelly trying to save Twilight