Wednesday 3 April 2019

Big BOoTy List #9 Boys Adrift

Big BOoTy List #9 Boys Adrift by Dr. Leonard Sax

Image result for boys adrift sax

I'm falling behind on my updates! Curses, life... anyways, this is a book about how come 'boys just can't be boys anymore'. It talks about the lack of being outside, binging on the alternate reality of video game worlds, how being the 'provider' to girls/women isn't really a thing anymore, leading to a sort of nancy-boy who doesn't need to go out and make money for the family and the willingness of parents to put their kids on medications instead of adjusting their parenting...

Just a casual, not overly scientific discussion of the changes in parenting and North American social culture is changing the stereotypical 'boy'.

I enjoyed it.

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