Thursday 11 December 2014

Re-branding Ogie...

So after another month of Nanowrimo and celebrating the upload of my 1st novel for the 2nd time to Amazon (obligatory promo post to follow soon) I've been reading up a little on how to be more pro-active in the self-marketing side of things so i can start preparing to be an isolated misunderstood genius once the masses discover me and find out Karmajuana is a thing, not just a plot device.

It's nearing time for me to let go of the safe cloak of anonymity that Ogie provides. As you can see I've started leaving a few clues around (like that big one to the right there). Now it's time to once again re-educate myself on blogging layouts and all that shit. Create an About Me page, more obvious links to the books, along with some complimentary reviews.

I will probably learn how to create pages so if you are interested in certain subjects that I write about, such as hockey or current events, you can just jump to that.

I'm guessing. I don't really know how that works yet.

I'd rather stick to the writing; I found my old journals and would love to mine those for any worthy gems that make me smile. But I guess as someone once said, it's best to look forward instead of back. I think that was Ricky Bobby...

My fan awaits...

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