Ever read something that someone wrote online that you had a vested interest in? I didn't think I ever had until I read a stupid 'List-icle' about Radiohead, rating their studio albums from worst to first.
I knew I was in the presence of someone relatively new to the game of writing lists from the completely subjective selection of his list - no facts behind his choices, just bare, personal reasoning. Well, I can do that too. The writer pissed me off immediately by stating Pablo Honey was Radiohead's worst album and it just got worse from there. His top pick was 'In Rainbows', calling it the album above all others, Radiohead's pinnacle of success. Say wha????
So in an effort to put things right (and I'm suffering a case of writer's block right now) I'm going to make my own goddamn subjective list of Radiohead's albums. Starting with;